Choose Happiness.

Do you make deals with yourself, or have you ever delayed your happiness based on goals, only to get there and be disappointed? I’ll be happy when I get that promotion, or finish this project, or buy that house, or lose those last 10 pounds.  All too often, and quite unnecessarily we make our happiness conditional, instead of unconditional.

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Living life in the flow

Being in the flow of life is something I think about frequently. You know how when something is just meant, all of the puzzle pieces seem to just fall into place effortlessly? When you're in the flow of life, living with purpose and in your brilliance, life seems to unfold with ease. And sometimes this takes some conscious effort and practice.

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The Life-Shaping Power of Small Choices

I've been thinking about how what we do on a daily basis -- those seemingly insignificant decisions -- really do make a difference. In this article, I address how smaller daily choices are what matters when it comes to reaching our life goals (whether they are health, personal or professional -- all tie in together). In the comments, name ONE thing you will do that will get you one step closer to your vision.

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I don't have time...

“To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’” — Lao Tzu

I’m a fan of conscious communication, especially that which we say to ourselves. Oftentimes it is our limited or negative thinking patterns that can cause us to stay stuck.

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The Ripple Effect of Kindness

Neuroscience has shown us that when we do something nice for another person, it triggers the release of the “love hormone” called oxytocin. This hormone boosts our ability to empathize with others and increases our desire to be generous.

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One way to embrace your fears

As we go through life, most of us build up quite the collection of worries and anxieties. Over time, it becomes easy to use those fears as tools for avoiding the things that we are afraid of.

Fear can stop us living up to our full potential and hold us back in our lives. Have you ever missed out on a great business opportunity or personal relationship because you allowed your fears to hold you back? I’d say most of us have!  How many treasures lie undiscovered inside you because you’ve been too afraid to dive into those deep, dark caves and take a look?  

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7 tips for dealing with change

Change often happens for good reasons, even though sometimes we may not see it at the time. There's usually a life lesson to learn and ultimately we may come out stronger in the end. Feeling temporarily uncomfortable often comes hand in hand…

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Are you choosing comfort or courage?

You see, if we stay comfortable, we stay where we are. If that’s what you want, that’s totally fine. Staying in our comfortable routines can keep us small though. Most people who come to me want to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be in life. They want to take steps towards their ultimate, ideal lives instead of thinking about it as “one day.”

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