What do Cirque du Soleil and LIFE have in common?

My Lessons from Cirque

Thought for today:  "If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you're not setting big enough goals."  ~Bob Proctor

Have you ever seen a Cirque du Soleil show?  I love music, performance and dance, so it makes sense that I have enjoyed the couple of Cirque shows that I have been to.

After attending my first show, I found it to be totally inspiring and I ended up thinking about what Cirque du Soleil and LIFE have in common.  

Here are a few of the life lessons I found in Cirque:  

1. These performers (and the creator of Cirque) take risks. 

The creator of Cirque du Soleil (which apparently started with a theatre troupe founded by Gilles Ste-Croix) obviously took a risk to step out into something unique. The performers take risks on a daily basis - on so many levels.

Seriously, how many people do you know who balance upside down on their foreheads on a pole dozens of feet up in the air?

If you think of your favorite peeps who inspire you, my bet is that many of them took risks to get where they are today. They are unique and they probably put themselves out there. Oprah. Steve Jobs. Madonna. Lady Gaga. Like them or not, they stepped way out into the unknown and ultimately benefited from doing so.

Do you think your favorite musicians, actors, thought leaders, or authors are where they are because they decided to stay comfortable?

I'm not saying that everyone is naturally wired to take risks or that you need to aim to be as big and famous as they are. Or even that they didn't have slip-ups or lessons learned along the way. However, if you are feeling really compelled to do something, or if you feel that tug from the Universe, it likely means it's what you're supposed to be doing.

And you know what, if you're feeling fear, it's still probably where you need to be. It's probably important for you and your soul's growth.

2. The performers push the limits to what most people would think is possible.     

This is a big one. Many of our (perceived) limitations are often SELF-IMPOSED, or imposed by others or society. What do you think is possible for yourself? Where did that belief come from?

These performers have likely put some of the "stuff" aside because they have to be pretty courageous to BELIEVE that they can do what they do. Sometimes this takes working on ourselves to get to the root of deep-seeded beliefs that live in our subconscious.

My experience was that the performers were doing things I'm not sure I would have ever dreamed would be humanly possible. Although these are physical acts, my guess is that it takes a ton of mental power and putting any fears aside to BELIEVE. Mind over matter at its best.

If you think you'll fall and are focused on that, you probably will. If you are focused and concentrating on where you want to go, you're chances of getting there are much greater.    

 What do YOU think is possible right now? Are holding yourself back?

What is your goal? Now double it. Triple it. Quadruple it. What feelings or emotions come to the surface? BELIEVE in and trust yourself, and know that the Universe and God will always provide what you need when you need it.

3. Other people benefit when you step into your power and share your gifts.

When you share your talents and gifts, your unique greatness shines and there is a ripple effect. So in the case of Cirque, if the team of people have not taken risks to show us their brilliance, there would be no shows or performances that bring a lotjoy to a larger population (think happiness, afternoons or evenings out, etc). Sure it's entertainment, and people love it.

So in a way, choosing not to share your gifts with the world is selfish. We all have gifts to share and there are people out there who need or want something that you have.

Are you an artist or creative whose work evokes joy and other positive feelings in others? An entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur who has ideas, products and services which can benefit others? A passionate person who could volunteer doing something meaningful? Are there other ways you could contribute to the world that you've thought about?

What have you said that you'd love to do "some day?"

I can help you make it a reality. If you want to get on your way to a happier, more fulfilled life, all you have to do to start is click the "contact" button up top and send me a note!

Peace & love,
