decisions, decisions, decisions

"The human heart has hidden treasures…" ~Charlotte Bronte

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that a big part of my message is to be mindful of when you make a decision because you think (or someone else or society thinks) you “should.”

I struggled with this myself for a while in so many areas of my life.

There was a tennis match between my head and my heart. Looking back, I don’t think I always listened to my gut or my instincts.

What I learned is to make a conscious effort to follow my heart and trust myself.

We’ve all had the feeling at some point when something isn’t “quite right.” Well guess what? Our heart and inner voice always knows what’s right for us.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people do something because they “should,” ultimately to realize or learn that the next time they will listen to – and trust – their own feelings and intuition.

Sometimes we tend to over-think things when we just need to sit still and listen to ourselves, God and the Universe giving us a nudge, even when it’s something that causes some fear to arise.

Can you think of a time in your life when something just didn’t feel right but you did it because you “should” or because you wanted to please someone else?

When something doesn’t feel right, trust the feeling. Again, I’m not talking about fear; I’m talking about when every cell in your body is resisting. Or you have that feeling in your gut. Just know there’s a difference between the universe giving you the nudge and not wanting to follow through out of fear. Some of the things we are being led to do may scare us…and that often means we need to do them. :)

Sometimes we feel the need to ask the opinion of everyone we know when we’re faced with a decision. This can confuse us even more because if we ask 10 people we will likely get a mixed bag of answers. And often people will tell us what THEY want.

When we stop resisting our feelings and start trusting ourselves more, we feel more in alignment with our truth, beliefs and values. Our actions will be more congruent with the highest good, and ultimately it feels like a weight is lifted. A sense of inner peace is what we’re going for, which can lead to a happier, healthier life.

Of course there will be things we do that we don’t enjoy, and I’m also not saying that you don’t need to plan strategically.

There will always be something we could do for our own growth.

It helps tremendously to meditate, pray / ask for guidance, and allow yourself to be still. When we listen to our “still small voice within” we will be lead down the right path.

Practice with small, everyday decisions. After all, it’s the smaller, consistent steps that lead to larger outcomes. Ultimately, there’s no wrong answer because we learn and grow from every experience no matter what. You’ll feel much lighter trusting yourself though.

And ultimately, we just KNOW. All the answers are within.

Be sure to share your insights and you next steps below. Specifically, I’d love to know in what ways you’re committing to listening to the voice within!