Posts tagged happiness
Choose Happiness.

Do you make deals with yourself, or have you ever delayed your happiness based on goals, only to get there and be disappointed? I’ll be happy when I get that promotion, or finish this project, or buy that house, or lose those last 10 pounds.  All too often, and quite unnecessarily we make our happiness conditional, instead of unconditional.

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Living life in the flow

Being in the flow of life is something I think about frequently. You know how when something is just meant, all of the puzzle pieces seem to just fall into place effortlessly? When you're in the flow of life, living with purpose and in your brilliance, life seems to unfold with ease. And sometimes this takes some conscious effort and practice.

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Who is the Dalai Lama's Hero? (The answer may surprise you.)

On October 8, 2013, the Dalai Lama arrived on stage to his awaited audience at the Gwinnett Arena, in a suburb about 30 minutes north of Atlanta. Right off the bat upon arriving on stage, the Dalai Lama saw a man in the front row…

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Are you stressed at work? Try these helpful tips to manage it well - PART 3 of 3

I hear about work stress so often that I felt the need to do my part to help squash this epidemic (yes, I said epidemic!). :) So many people are working so much - and under high pressure…

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